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1. Chinese Total Immersion - Star Group
Based on student age, provide more games, crafts and more direct and visualized activities to let young kids to learn by doing things. Age: 6 - 7 yr Date: 6/21 - 8/27 Total 10 weeks Time: 8:30 am - 1 pm 3. Chinese Total Immersion - Sun Group
Student centered, project based. Teacher will introduce the theme and students will be guided to collect more information, discussion and presentation. Age: 10+ yr Date: 6/21 - 8/27 Total 10 weeks Time: 8:30 am - 1 pm |
2. Chinese Total Immersion - Moon Group
Teacher will introduce the theme and expand with more information and student discussion and share. Age: 8 - 9 yr Date: 6/21 - 8/27 Total 10 weeks Time: 8:30 am - 1 pm |
Daily Theme:
week 1 to week 5 (6/21 - 7/23) Monday: Chinese Food Tuesday: Crazy Math Wednesday: Chinese Traditional Cultures Thursday: Cutting Edge Technology Friday: Travel around the World Week 6 to week 10 (7/26 -8/27) Monday: International Food Tuesday: Brain Storm Wednesday: Chinese Pop Cultures Thursday: Magic Earth/Universe Friday: Weird Chinese Character A Typical Day:
Time, Venue and Price:
Venue: Basking Ridge Campus Time: June 21 - August 27 (total 10 weeks) Monday through Friday 8:30AM-1 PM (enrollment: minimum two weeks) Price : $200/week Multiple Discounts: (can be combined in use) 1. Group buying discount: $50 off for each student in the group if each student in the group enrolled in our summer camp and the group has one old student and one or more new students. (An old student is defined as a student who enrolled in any of Koo Chinese Academy class or summer camp before. A new student is defined as a student who has never enrolled in any Koo Chinese Academy's class or summer camp before. students in the group can not be siblings. ) 2. Early Bird Discount: 5% off if enrolled and paid by April 18. 3. Multi-week Discount: 5% off if enrolled more than 5 weeks and paid by May 16. (combine all Koo Chinese Camps in counting the number of weeks) 4. Sibling Discount: 5% off for all other children enrolled from the same family other than the first one. (on the lesser tuition) Lunch:
campers can bring their own lunch. If ordering from our camp, $6 per day. Click to see our lunch menu. |
week 1 (6/21-6/25): Physical Health
week 2 (6/28 - 7/2): Routine Safety week 3 (7/5 - 7/9): Traffic Knowledge week 4 (7/12 - 7/16): Young Scientist week 5 (7/19 - 7/23) : Economic Enlightenment |
week 6 (7/26 - 7/30): Form Good Habits
week 7 (8/2 - 8/6) : Math Genesis week 8 (8/9 - 8/13): Amazing Animals week 9 (8/16 - 8/20): I am a leader week 10 (8/23 - 8/27): Cute Grap |